HeartFelt Sculpture Stand (January 25, 2013)
I heard back from the Exhibition Coordinator at the Materials: Hard & Soft Exhibition about whether I had some ideas on how to display my ‘HeartFelt” sculpture. I created this quick stand for the sculpture shown below. It is very easy and quick to construct using just two pairs of pliers. It can go really fast and easy if you have a round object that you can bend the wire around. This stand would work for a lot of different types of fine art objects. The only drawback is that there is a visual horizontal line from the wire that cuts across the artwork. If anyone has a better way to exhibit this kind of artwork – I would love to hear your ideas.

Materials: Hard & Soft Exhibition (January 17, 2013)
I just shipped off my art to this exhibition at the Greater Denton Arts Council in Texas. I was really happy when I found out that I had been chosen to be part of this exhibition. This annual competition of contemporary craft has been going on for 26 years and attracts hundreds of entries from every state in the union. The juror this year is Jean W. McLaughlin, Executive Director of the Penland School of Crafts. Every year they publish a very nice exhibition catalogue – which is another reason I entered my work. Here is a link to their website where you can see artwork from the past years:
I entered my piece titled, “Heart Felt”. This work is 100% needle felted wool and can be seen with my other felt sculptures in my website under Portfolios > Sculpture > Gallery 1.
Below is the exhibition card that was just mailed out.

The Death of Redbeard (January 9, 2013)
Below is the second doodle I created in my new brown paper sketchbook. I just started putting colored pencil marks on the paper. I really had no idea what or how it was going to turn out. I turn the paper all around and place shapes, tones, marks in what seems like a good composition until some kind of a figure or idea takes hold. Sometimes, it is just totally abstract, this time a very specific image came to mind. It looked like a death bed drawing of some Viking called ‘Redbeard’.
