Ghoulardi T-shirtJuly 9, 2014

I recently finished the artwork for a group of people who grew up with an unlikely hero called Ghoulardi. He was a fictional late night host who was a hipster and developed many ‘catch phrases’ such as ‘stay sick’, ‘turn blue’ ‘stay cool’, ‘ova dey’, ‘turn blue you purple knif’ (knif is fink spelled backwards). He was played by Ernie Anderson who went on to become an announcer in Los Angeles. He was a beatnick character and very popular because he used to denegrade the B movies he was playing and even interrupt the movie by superimposing his floating head. This is what I did with the t-shirt – I superimposed his floating head over the (modified) Soap Box Derby logo. Ghoulardi was recently given a nod by the band the Black Keys with their 2014 album titled,” Turn Blue”. Below is the t-shirt, it is an inside joke for a number of people.

