Yet Another Doodle Sketch (April 26, 2013)

As I have previously said, this obsession with this method of working is taking over. Below is the latest iteration and I have already started another one.




New Doodle Sketch (April 17, 2013)

Below is my latest sketch in my new brown paper sketchbook. I am finding that I am very attracted to this way of working. I lay down a bunch of quick random marks without even looking at the paper, then I look at the paper and start pulling out various shapes that catch my eye.  I then start rendering those shapes into a volume by establishing a light source. This method is becoming an obsession and I think it may turn into a new way of working for me. At the very least, it is quite entertaining to me now and I will probably create a bunch of these in the near future.




The Tall Faerie (April 11, 2013)

This is a sketch that I created for a friend of mine from Junior High School. She recently confessed to me that she would like a sketch and that she liked faeries. So, I went ahead and drew this sketch for her. I have found that I really like sketching on a medium value paper. The medium value paper allows me to actually place my highlights more purposely rather than just relying on the white of the paper. I have also found that I can do more searching of my form with a line that is also medium value so that when I finally commit to a line – I can really punch it up with a very dark value or very light value.




Fallen Angels (April 2, 2013)

If you look in my portfolios under Photography and then open up Album 2, you will see a bunch of photographs I took in a series I call “Fallen Angels”.

I typically visit a lot of thrift stores, I like the thrill of discovering unusual used items that you just wouldn’t find anywhere else in town. I once found a small purse made of the skull of a monkey. Now, that is something you could not  find if you wanted to – it is something you wouldn’t even know existed until you saw it – that is the thrill of thrift stores.

So in my thrift store travels, I see a lot of discarded religious items and statues. Often times, these religious items are broken and look sad or are juxtaposed to such odd kitsch idols that it seems kind of sacrilegious or surreal. So I decided to photograph these objects. Album 2 is a collection of those photographs. So the photo below will be my next addition to that collection. It succinctly speaks to the title of the collection, “Fallen Angels”. It was an entire shopping cart full of plastic angels. Never had I seen so many angels in one big pile up.


