April Showers (April 30, 2014)
April bring bring May flowers – but it also brings many mushrooms. This is the time to look for tasty morel mushrooms popping out of ground. I have attached a colored pencil drawing of a morel mushroom below. They are the easiest edible mushroom to identify.

Concretions in Worthington, Ohio (April 22, 2014)
I am sure that you all are probably tired of hearing about the World Fire Sculpture Championship. I am finally finished posting about that. I was up in Columbus this past weekend and discovered a phenomenon that I had never heard about before. They are called concretions and for some reason are all over Worthington. These are basically small to very large round rock formations. They are formed as a hard mass of sedimentary rock formed into spheres with mineral cement before the rest of the sediment is hardened into rock.
They are quite interesting and look like some kind of huge egg fossils or giant bowling balls. Below are a few photos.

This photo shows the scale. The person is my friend BC Collins who told me about this phenomenon.

Finally… World Fire Sculpture Video (April 7, 2014)
My video from the World Fire Sculpture Championship in Riga, Latvia is finally finished. It is all video that was taken by myself and edited by myself in Premiere Pro. It took awhile to learn the software and work out all the bugs. The video is a bit longer than I would like. It is about 30 minutes long. I could have cut out alot of footage and made this shorter and more exciting but I wanted this video to be more of a document of the event for myself. I wanted to include all of the fire sculptures and the way they looked before being burnt as well as while they were burning. I also wanted to include some footage of Gunnar the Artistic Curator and Reinis the Producer and to give a feel of what it was like to participate in this international event.
So here is the link to the video on Vimeo. Please let me know what you think of this video.