Cressman Center for Visual Art – Louisville (August 29, 2014)
Below are some other pieces of art that caught my attention in my one day visit to Louisville. The work was exhibited in the Cressman Center for Visual Art. The work was by Helen Tegeler. She created felted wool sculptures which had some element of glass in each one. I thought the use of these two very separate mediums worked very elegantly together. Below are several photographs of her work.

Louisville Art Exhibits – Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft (August 21, 2014)
I visited Louisville last weekend to see as much of the Louisville Art Exhibits as I could in a day.
Below are photographs from and exhibit titled “Second Life” at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Crafts. I was intrigued with the art by Jennifer Angus. She created a decorative wall piece made up entirely of insects mounted to the wall. It was impressive to see all these specimens mounted with insect pins on the gallery wall.
She will be giving a talk at the museum on August 30th at 2:30 pm titled, “Designing with Insects”. Check it out if you like her work. Below are a few photographs.

Oil Painting (August 12, 2014)
I was looking through an older sketchbook and came across this sketch with a can of Sterno. I actually painted this in oil paint and have posted the final oil painting below. Last summer I gave this painting away to an old fire sculptor friend of mine in Sweden. I am always interested in how the idea looks right from the sketchbook and then how the final piece turns out.

Animal Letterform (August 1, 2014)
I saw this thing on the screen door to my front door.When I looked closely I noticed that it was a bug. This bug looks like a capital ‘T’. How strange that an animal can resemble a letterform. With a little research I found out it is a moth – it is called a plume moth. I wonder what other creatures are out there that I am not aware of.
I posted a photo of it on my screen door below.
