Sketch 2 (January 28, 2015)
I tend to work in series. Here is the second of a series of small sketches. These sketches are created on a pad that is 9 inches by 12 inches. I am not really sure what to call this series. They seem to have some kind of similar method and colors to them. I guess I will just have to keep doing them until I get a sense of what to cal them or how to label them.
The second one is below. I call it “Twister”

Latest Sketch (January 20, 2015)
I have started sketching again on regular 9 x 12 paper and enjoying the small format. I seem to work in series and here is the first one. I call it “Head Toss”. It is a mixed media piece. The photo is below.

New Art Studio (January 9, 2015)
I am quite excited. I just rented an art studio. It is room 268 in the Essex Studios. I am really loving it! It is great to have a place to work big and not have to worry about spilling paint on the floors or messing up the walls, or making noise late at night. The studio is big and warm and has an entire side that is all windows – so I get a lot of natural light.
Currently I am working on a collaboration with David Freeman a mathematician. We are working on visual models of hypotrochoids and epitrochoids. I will post some images as we get them completed.
I have a panoramic photos my new studio below.

Barn Owl Sketch (January 1, 2015)

Over the holidays I sketched a barn owl for a family member – Kat. I have posted a photo of it above..