Ohio State Fair 2015 (August 25, 2015)
I attended the Ohio State Fair in Columbus, Ohio this year. I really love going to the fair, seeing all the sights, smelling the fragrances and the odors, and watching all the people and animals. Today I will post the photos from the Odd and Natural Growth entries in the fair. These were basically misshapen vegetables. I loved the sign, the presentation on white paper plates and seeing what people thought were odd growth patterns.

Beer Label Logo (August 17, 2015)
Recently I created this logo to be used as a label for beer for D.A. Fleischer. He brews his own craft beer and is also a photographer. You can see his work at this link : http://www.da-photo.com/index.html
The name is Zone System Brewery and is based on a a popular photographic technique for determining optimal film exposure. This was called the Zone System and formulated by Ansel Adams. The system is based on dividing the shades of grey from white to black in ten zones.
Brewing beer could also be classified in terms of its darkness or lightness, such as a dark stout or a white beer. Below is the logo.

Red Cedars (August 10, 2015)
Recently I designed a logo for a local band called Red Cedars. The members are Dinah Devoto and Patrick Kennedy. They play and write old-timey, roots music.
Below I attached a photo of the logo. Red Cedars are trees that are pioneer invaders. This means that it is one of the first trees to repopulate cleared or damaged land. Considering that their music is roots music – I used that idea to design their logo.
To hear their music, you can click this link:
