Weed Drawings (December 22, 2015)
It has been so warm so far this winter – I have been out riding my bike and hiking in the woods. I always see the same weeds that I have seen since I was a little kid. They are all so familiar that I never really spent the time to look at them closely. For some reason, I looked at them with a renewed fascination and marveled at how delicate and intricate they are. They are very common weeds – usually a nuisance to most people. I saw them as quite beautiful so I decided to draw them. I drew a Queen Anne’s lace, a thistle and a teasel. If you live in Ohio you will recognize all of these weeds. I may or may color them but the drawings from my sketchbook are below.

“Leader” film by X-PRESS (December 16, 2015)
O.K. I forgot to add this film to my X-PRESS Revisited section. This is probably the most extensive project we collaborated on. Mike Horvath and I wrote, produced and performed this film. John McClintock shot all the footage in 16mm film that was ‘pushed’. This ‘pushing’ of the exposure of the film made it very grainy and other-worldly. Of course, my process of compressing it down to video settings that could be streamed, increased the low resolution of the images. Mike Sanders edited it and added the audio. We finally put it all together and finished it in 1990 even though it was shot much earlier. It is approximately 11.5 minutes long.
Following is the film:
Below are some stills from the film:

Interview by Connie Springer (December 9, 2015)
This very nice interview was written by Connie Springer for the Hyde Park Living magazine and was published last month. I have scanned the interview and posted it below. There was an online link to the photographs of my artwork that she took and I have posted those screen grabs below along with the online link here:
