Dada Entry number 3 – Dada Miner Les S. Moore (May 23, 2016)
Below is my third entry to the UCBA, “Dada Lives” exhibition. This started with a copyright free image of a miner that I digitally manipulated in several ways. I titled this piece, “Dada Miner Les S. Moore”.

Dada Entry Number 2 – Dada Miner Stan Beck (May 13, 2016)
Below is the second entry to the UCBA, “Dada Lives” exhibition and entry to “Metadata: The International Journal of Dada Mining”. When I saw the subtitle, “Journal of Dada Mining”, I purposely went looking for copyright free images of mining operations and found several that I thought I could work with. Of course I digitally manipulated the photograph in subtle ways. I title this piece, “Dada Miner Stan Beck”.

New Work for Dada Lives Exhibit, UCBA Gallery (May 5, 2016)
The Dada Lives exhibit is now up at the UCBA Gallery. I have a 4 works included and I will scan each one and reduce it so it will be compatible with this blog. The first one is titled, “RH753-M”. These are digitally manipulated photographs that I found online and are completely copyright free. That is why there are holes and paint markers on the photos. I then manipulate the photo and print it out. This photo is titled RH753-M because that is what was written on the negative. There is also a hole punched in the negative – and that is where I collaged a mini-monster.
The second photo is a photo of an actual stencil that I created and used for spray painting. You will notice that this stencil is digitally included in every one of the Dada photos. The stencil was supposed to be hung in the show and actually used to spray paint the graphic on the gallery wall. The gallery staff did not get around to actually doing this.
I created the stencil as a new graphic for my old collaboration with Mike Horvath called X-PRESS who recently suggested we continue our collaboration. You can see all of our previous collaborations earlier in this blog on October and November 2015.

Final Animation titled, “11/18/13 7:49 pm” (April 26, 2016)
Below I have posted my final animation collaboration with Marissa Oehlhof. This is a poem that Marissa wrote and I animated. I recorded her reading the poem aloud and then went on to animate the words. She titles all her poems as the time that she created them. That is why this animation is titled “11/18/13 7:49 pm” – it is the same title as the poem.
This was a fun project to create as both of us were members of the Creative Arts Faculty Learning Community. It is really just a fun little motion graphic.
Animation Collaboration (April 18, 2016)
I am collaborating on a small animation with a colleague, Marissa Oehlhof. She has written a poem and I recorded her reading the poem. I am animating the words as she reads them. I created my initial sketch below, then I inked the brain sketch and scanned it and then redrew it in Illustrator. The process is displayed below. I will post the final animation next week.

Second Dada Broadside (April 8, 2016)
I have completed a second Dada Broadside for the upcoming Dada exhibition and posted it below. This new parody and the last one are now up on the MetaDada website. The link to the site is here:
The opening reception, free and open to the public from 5:00-9:00 on Friday April 29, 2016 will feature several visitor participation pieces, dada poetry readings and other dada-inspired performances. The reception will also serve as the launch party for the print version of the contemporary dada journal MetaDada.

Dada Broadside (March 31, 2016)
I was asked to create a Dada Broadside for a Dada exhibit and Dada Journal coming soon. The exhibit is titled, ‘Dada Lives’ and will be held at the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash Gallery from April 25 – June 3, 2016. I have submitted five pieces to the show. The Dada Journal is titled, “MetaDada: The International Journal of Dada Mining” and I have submitted six images to the journal. One of the curators, Mike Sanders, asked me to create a broadside for the show and/or journal. A broadside is a single sheet of inexpensive paper printed on one side often with a ballad, rhyme or illustration. Below is the piece I created – a parody of an old magazine ad.

Rabbit Shadow (March 20, 2016)
This morning I woke up and as I was getting my water to fill my tea pot, I noticed this amazing shadow. It is a shadow of my dish soap container – I was shocked how much it looked like a rabbit.

Delicate Ice Formation (March 10, 2016)
As the weather starts getting warmer and before we all get used to Spring, I wanted to post these photos that I took this winter. I became fascinated by the structure of this ice formation in a creek with flowing water. The top layer of the water was frozen over but the water was running underneath the frozen layer. This formation reveals a window into the running water underneath. I love the fragile, thin, clear ‘upper lip’ of the window and watching how it was formed by the trickling of the water below.

Golden Spiral in a Decaying Tree (March 2, 2016)
I photographed this very obvious example of the ‘golden spiral’ in this decaying trunk of a tree. The ‘golden spiral’ is a logarithmic spiral whose factor of growth is phi. Phi is the initial letter of the Greek sculptor Phidias and symbolizes the golden ratio. The golden ratio is a factor in many natural patterns of growth and has been known and used for many years by artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci for various aesthetic composition in living things. Basically, the idea is that the golden spiral gets wider or further from its origin by a factor of phi (1.61803399) for every quarter turn it takes. This ‘golden spiral’ was brought into the public awareness with the book and movie “The Da Vinci Code” but has been used and known by every student that has attended an art college.
The first image is my photograph of this decaying tree trunk and the second image is a drawing of the mathematical ‘golden spiral’.
