Latest Narrative Scroll (December 22, 2014)
I have attached my latest narrative scroll. This scroll is also 12 feet by 3 feet. The initial sketch for this piece was from my small 5.5 x 3.5 sketchbook. The final scrolls are vector images and resolution independent. This means that they can be printed out very large like big billboards or very small like postage stamps.
The title for this scroll is, “Meena’s Inner Demons Protect Her From Dishonor”.

Plight of the Honeybee (December 11, 2014)
My latest scroll is titled, “The Plight of the Honeybee”. I have included the initial sketch from my little 5.5 x 3.5 Moleskin sketchbook. Below that is the finished artwork at 12 feet by 3 feet.
I have a friend who has a nice website all about bees, gardening and cooking, it is called Romancing the Bees. Check out her link here:
If you scroll down her site, you should see her entry on the old custom of “telling the bees”. Apparently, people used to talk to the bees and inform them of family events such as births and deaths. I like this idea.

I have been Morphed! (December 2, 2014)
Last Wednesday at the Illustrators lunch at Slatts, I got morphed. Linda Bittner, a very accomplished illustrator and artist brought her young daughter, Julie with her to the restaurant. I sat across from them and Julie drew a caricature of me morphed into a crocodile. I thought it was so nice that I decided to post it below.
You can contact Linda and see her work at this link:
As far as I know her daughter does not have a website….yet.

Kissing Trees (November 20, 2014)
We had an unseasonal snow storm recently. As I often do, I bundled up warm and went out for a walk in the woods. As I was walking I saw these two trees kissing. So I took a photo and posted it below.
This will be one photograph that will add to my photographic portfolio titled “Tree Porn”. You can see this portfolio under Portfolios > Photography > Album 1.

Skyscape (November 10, 2014)
I was really impressed with this sky and happened to have my camera so I created a panorama. This sky happened just before a big storm. It was starting to turn dark and the wind was moving very fast. I attached the panorama below.

Martini / Bikini (October 28, 2014)
I found myself drawing a version of this old sketch for a friend. So I decided to finally create the finished piece. I call the final piece “Martini / Bikini” . If you look at my first drawing of it in my sketchbook, you will notice it is titled “Bikini / Martini”. The order really depends on what I see first. In the sketch I see the bikini first however in the final piece, I see the martini first. I have posted the sketch and the final piece below.

Fall Leaf Mandala (October 20, 2014)
I went out walking in the woods recently and was amazed by all the different colors of the leaves. As I walked I started to pick up some of the leaves that I thought had the most intense saturated color. It wasn’t long before I had a whole fistful of leaves. I didn’t really want to take them home so I created a leaf mandala on the ground. Of course I am aware of Andy Goldsworthy artwork and have always loved his work and method of working. So with him in mind I created a much smaller and less complicated piece inspired by his work. I love the fact that all of his work is site specific and only uses the materials that he finds on the site. I have done this many times before – just going out into the woods and creating some small artwork by just using the materials around me in the forest.

Cloudscapes (October 10, 2014)
I was quite impressed with the sky last Tuesday. It was the day of the big storms. It was around dusk and I loved all the varied activity in the sky so I took this panorama of the sky. I also included another cloudscape that I shot earlier.

Latest Scroll (September 26, 2014)
Below is the sketch and finished piece of my latest vector painting scroll. Again, this image started out as a small sketch in my small 5.5 x 3.5 inch moleskin sketchbook. This final image is 12 feet by 3 feet. The title for the piece is “Flying Fish and a Ridicule of Mocking Birds”. Apparently, a ridicule is the correct term for a group of mocking birds – which I thought very appropriate.

Latest Narrative Scroll (September 17, 2014)
I recently finished my next narrative scroll. This image started out as a small sketch in my Moleskin 5.5 x3.5 inch sketchbook. The final image is an Illustrator file that is 144 inches by 36 inches – that is 12 feet by 3 feet. The file is a vector image so it can be printed as large as I want or as small as I want with no difference in resolution of the image.
I posted the initial small sketch and the the final image below.
